Books, Booklets and Tracts

We have some dynamic books and tracts available free for your interest and inspiration! Listed below are some of the books with their titles and brief description as well as other booklets or tracts on various Biblical topics.

Patriarchs & Prophets – The fascinating stories in living detail of the first half of the Old Testament.

The Desire of Ages – A beautiful narrative on the Life of Christ as depicted through the four Gospels.  A Christian classic!  Very Inspirational!

The Great Controversy – Incredible fascinating history of the Protestant Reformation and gives a descriptive delineation of end-time events.  A MUST- READ for every follower of Christ!

The Acts of the Apostles The dynamic Holy Spirit filled early Christian Church -based on the New Testament book of Acts.

Prophets and Kings – The stories and lessons of the latter half of the Old Testament.

Steps to Christ [may come under different titles] How to have a faith-filled relationship with Jesus that will revolutionize your Christian experience. 

Christ’s Object Lessons Deep inspirational lessons from the parables of Jesus. Wonderful devotional book!

The Ministry of Healing – Principles of healthful living for the Christian and how to tap into the power of Christ for physical, mental and spiritual healing.

Just email your request(s) with your name and mailing address and we will have these mailed to you.